Learn About Crypto ICO and How it Works
ICO Initial Coin

Learn About Crypto ICO and How it Works

It’s no secret that the world of technology is booming with new ideas and innovations. The ability for businesses to launch their product to market at lightning speed has been made possible thanks to the internet. In addition to this, businesses can now raise money directly from potential customers – something known as an Initial

The Creation and Evolution of the Ethereum Blockchain

The Creation and Evolution of the Ethereum Blockchain

Ethereum may be the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization and one of the most exciting projects in the blockchain space. It is also a project that has its origins in software development efforts in the 1990s. To fully appreciate the brilliance behind the real backbone technology that made Ether (the most prominent cryptocurrency from the

Who Really Created Bitcoin?
image of a street protest

Who Really Created Bitcoin?

One of the greatest mysteries of the modern tech world is the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the computer programmer some people credits as the creator of bitcoin – a digital currency. Since the creation of cryptocurrency in 2008, nobody has been able to find out exactly who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Could for example, the name

How Does Smart Contracts Work
Smart Contracts

How Does Smart Contracts Work

What Are Smart Contracts? A smart contract is a digital agreement that automatically executes when certain conditions are met. These smart contracts are programmed to self-execute by using blockchain technology and computer code that is unchangeable and transparent. For this reason, smart contracts are often used to create trust when trading goods and services online.

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